Bill Gowder Senior PastorHi Folks,

This is a FBCF church family update on Saturday, March 21.  I wanted to touch base with you regarding a few things…

– I trust you are planning to tune in to the service tomorrow morning.  Just go to the church website and you should see a link for the message.  It is nuts to me how time has slowed down, with so much happening every day.  Can you believe we had a service together just six days ago?  (Well, about half of us did anyway, understandably.) It feels to me like that was a month ago.  We recorded tomorrow’s message on Wednesday, but I feel like a few of my comments are already outdated.  Oh well.

– I think we would all agree with this idea that we are fighting two enemies, Covid-19 and anxiety.  Let me remind you that while everyone in the world fights the virus pretty much the same way, that we as believers are uniquely equipped to handle the anxiety.  We have the peace that passes all understanding available to stand guard and not allow fear or worry or anxiety to enter our hearts or our minds (Phil. 4:6-7).  Take advantage of that precious promise!  We must constantly remind ourselves that God is still on the throne, that this did not take Him by surprise, and that He will bring good out of this, because that is what He always does.  The coronavirus may seem to be out of control, but God is still in control.  (God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear. – Psalm 46:1-2a.)

– I know what I am about to say now does not apply to everyone.  I know that those of you in the healthcare profession, for example, are under the gun, and that some of your colleagues are jumping ship and leaving more on your shoulders.  (We obviously need to be praying for all of these folks.)  But with that said, let me encourage you to actually take advantage of this special time to be with the Lord and with your family.  We all talk about being too busy.  Well, we were just given time to slow down and actually engage and enjoy one another!  Try your best to do so.

Well, that is all for now.  Take care, and know that your church family is available if you have a need.

In Him,

Pastor Bill

Bill Gowder

Lead Pastor

First Baptist Church Friendsville
