To: FBCF Church Family

From: Pastor Bill

April 9, 2020


Hi Folks.

          I trust this finds you well and excited about Easter, regardless of the current challenges we all face.  As the saying goes, “The resurrection changes everything!”  It really does.  May we all continue to see our difficulties in the light of the glorious resurrection of Jesus.

          We have struggled to make a decision regarding this Easter Sunday, about whether or not we should pursue having a drive-in service.  Governor Lee’s office has stated:  While the drive-in concept is allowable, it is not recommended. Ultimately, we believe it best for the church leadership to decide what is best for their congregation. Should you decide to proceed, you must follow CDC guidelines for safe social distancing, and vehicle occupants should not open car doors or leave their cars for any reason.  On top of that, the weather forecast looks absolutely terrible this Sunday.  But then again, it IS Easter!

          So, here is the decision we have come to.  We WILL have a drive-in service this Easter Sunday, April 12, but will NOT plan on continuing the drive-in services after that.  Hopefully we can resume services in our auditorium in the relatively near future.  Again, Governor Lee’s office, after consulting with TBC leaders has stated:   There is some chance that after the peak season, the next 4 weeks, we will be able to gather again. However, this is a constantly changing and evolving situation, and the Governor and the COVID-19 Unified Command will review and make decisions depending on the circumstances at the time. 

          With all of that said, here is a recap of some things you need to keep in mind for this coming Sunday morning, along with a few other details you will need to know…

Well, it may not be much of a service.  The cold, wind and rain will likely make it hard to see and/or hear.  We may hear more static than message.  But, it doesn’t get any better on an Easter Sunday morning to get as close as you safely can to your brothers & sisters in Christ, being reminded that Jesus embraced a whole lot of inconvenience to give us something to come together for.  So, let’s do this and enjoy every short second of it.  Amen?

          See ya Sunday, Lord willing.

          In Him,

          Pastor Bill


Bill Gowder

Lead Pastor

First Baptist Church Friendsville
