Welcome to the First Baptist Church of Friendsville. We are pleased that you have chosen to worship with us, and we trust that you will be pleased by both the spirit of the service and the warmth of the people.

It is our desire to exalt Jesus Christ and to meet your needs through Bible-inspired preaching, Bible-based teaching, and Christ-centered fellowship. We invite you to consider becoming a member of First Baptist Church. The guidelines below explain how you can unite with our church.

We hope that you will be blessed by participating in worship with us.


Should God lead you here, we will be happy to welcome you into our church family. If you are interested in becoming a member here at FBCF or would like to learn more about the Church, we periodically offer a “Discover FBCF” class on Sundays from 3:00 – 6:00 pm.

For more information, or to register, call Tammie at the Church Office.

New Member Sign up for Discover Class

Missed Pastor Bill’s Sermon? Check it out here on Youtube!



GREETERS – FEBRUARY 9: Linda Morgan, Elaine Dagley, Girlie Adams, Bailey and Ann Shields, Hobart Morgan.

DEACON FOR FEBRUARY … Rodney McNabb (805-9180).

TITHE ENVELOPES … If you would like a record of your tithes, offerings, and contributions for the end of 2020, you must use tithe envelopes with assigned numbers (the envelopes in the pews will not work for this). If you would like tithe envelopes for 2020, please see David Hipps or Tammie McNabb.

BAPTIST CENTER NEEDS … The Baptist Center is in need of the following items: laundry detergent, toilet paper, bar soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, liquid dish soap. If you would like to donate any of these items, please put them in the marked tub in the Welcome Center.

Our outstanding debt and the “CHALLENGE” to pay off that debt:  During September 2019, the Debt Reduction Team challenged each family or member to give beyond their normal tithes/offerings toward the elimination (pay off) of our debt.  As a reminder, this debt of $2.3 million was incurred in 2002 when our present worship center was built. As of January 31, 2020, that debt is at $541,196.

Also, as a reminder, our Church will celebrate its 100th Anniversary on April 8, 2023.  For the next thirty-eight months, our approved budgets will authorize payments to be made that will reduce the principal by $277,400.  That leaves approximately $263,796 to be raised from other sources so that our debt can be eliminated by our 100th Anniversary.

So here’s the on-going challenge:  First and foremost we encourage each family to continue to give your tithes and mission gifts.  Then, as God leads you, we encourage you to give sacrificially toward eliminating our debt. If each family gives a $17 weekly gift or a $75 monthly gift, this additional $263,796 can be raised.  Some families may not be able to give this much, and some families may be able to give more; yet, as the Word of God teaches, we all can give sacrificially.

Our prayer is that those families who have already accepted this challenge continues to give faithfully.  If you are not participating, our prayer is that you prayerfully consider accepting this challenge so, by working together, our debt of $541,196 will be eliminated.

Prayer request


In an effort to keep everyone informed, we are reporting the following financial information.

Receipts as of January 26, 2020

YTD Budget Requirements $ 48,723

YTD Actual Receipts  $ 48,325


Original Debt $ 2,300,000

Debt as of January 1, 2019 $ 806,438

Debt as of January 1, 2020 $ 552,088
YTD Principal Payments $ 6,809

YTD Contributions $ 4,083

Debt as of January 31, 2020 $ 541,196

Missed the offering plate? Want to donate to a specific ministry or fund?
Online Giving