How to Access FBCF Pictorial Directory Online

  1. Download App “Instant Church Directory” from your app store.
  2. Once download is complete, open the app.
  3. Enter your e-mail address.

NOTE: You must have an e-mail address associated with your information provided when you had your picture taken for the directory. If you did not provide one and would like to access the online directory, please see Elaine Dagley.

  • Tap the button “Request Password.”
  • Instant Church Directory will send a password via e-mail.
  • Open your e-mail (remember to check Spam folder) and follow the directions to gain access to the directory.
  • Once you sign in, you can tap on a family picture to bring up the information for that family. You can also do a search by last name.
  • NOTE:  If you have an android device and are having trouble logging into Instant Church Directory, please delete the app and re-install Instant Church Directory from the app store and follow the directions for accessing the app.  (This is due to an update to the application.)

NOTE: Please check your family’s information; if there are changes or corrections to be made or if you have questions or need help, please contact Elaine Dagley at 865-441-6212, or at