Watch Last Sunday’s Service:
FBCF is back with in-person services!
- As we meet in-person again, we ask that you please wear a mask while entering and exiting the buildings. It is your option once you are seated.
- This does not cover Sunday P.M. services. We will continue to hold off on those until further notice due to challenges with cleaning the facilities.
Watch our Easter 2021 service here!
Watch FBCF 2021 online service here:
Watch FBCF 2021 online service here:
Did you recently visit our church? Please take a few moments to tell us a little about yourself and be of assistance:
Past Sermons & Worship Services

I’m New…
(Childcare & a light meal are always provided)
Online giving:
We have setup a new way to be able to handle your tithes and offerings and donations to our causes. You can read more by clicking here
If you need more info contact David Hipps