

Sermon archives

Everyday Theology: The Gospel in a Nutshell

Paul has given Titus qualifications for the leaders of the church, different relationships within the church and how they are to function and relate to each other as they point each other and those outside the church to the gospel. Paul in a concise format, Paul reiterates the gospel the church proclaims and points others to.


We live in a day and age where motherhood is being done with publicly and with perfection. Society puts an unbearable weight on mothers as they run this race. Motherhood is an impossible task and Jesus woos mothers to rest in him, learn from him, and place their faith in him. As they do so, they will reflect God’s character and nature as they were created and designed to do.

Adorning the Gospel

Jesus used slave language to define the reality of what it means to follow Him. Discipleship, like slavery, entails a life of total self-denial. The gospel produces godliness in a life lived with the Master’s sole objective as our purpose. When our identity is rightly placed in who we serve, Him, our identity joyfully overflows with the why. For the adornment of the gospel!

Walking Side By Side

The Bible never divorces doctrine from duty or truth from behavior. Paul describes to Titus what can be summed up into one word discipleship. That discipleship takes place through multigenerational ministry. As one generation helps another through teaching, encouraging and walking side-by-side the church not only grows but mature and becomes healthy.

Designed to Lead

Pastor Bill Gowder Titus 1:5-9 Titus has been left in Crete to set things in order. One of those is to elect elders to lead the church. Paul makes it clear to Titus, that not just anyone can shepherd and lead the bride of Christ.

Not Just Anyone

Pastor Bill Gowder Titus 1:5-9 Titus has been left in Crete to set things in order. One of those is to elect elders to lead the church. Paul makes it clear to Titus, that not just anyone can shepherd and lead the bride of Christ.
