Sermon archives

Not Just Anyone
Pastor Bill Gowder Titus 1:5-9 Titus has been left in Crete to set things in order. One of those is to elect elders to lead the church. Paul makes it clear to Titus, that not just anyone can shepherd and lead the bride of Christ.

Saved From and To
Pastor Drew Elgersma Titus 1:1-4 Paul writes to Titus, the church planter, on the island of Crete filled with liars, swindlers, and drunkards. Titus is encouraged to live out every day the theology that empowers and propels his purpose of service, hope, and the family he belongs to.

Death To Life
Pastor Drew Elgersma 1 Corinthians 15:1-10 Which is more important, the brain or the heart? The reality is, we need both. We love the cross, we point to the cross constantly, as we should. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is just as essential to the gospel, history, and to us as the cross!

Pastor Drew Elgersma Matthew 21:1-11 The Jews had cried out in the Old Testament “hoyisha na”, “Save us! Please!” In the New Testament during Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem on a colt the Jews now cried out “Hosanna, Salvation is here, Salvation has come!” A plea shifted to praise.

Eternal Perspective
Pastor Drew Elgersma 2 Timothy 4:6-8. Paul has come to the end of his life as he awaits his martyrdom by Nero in Rome. Paul reflects on his life, illustrating what it looks like to not waste our life, but to live it with an eternal perspective.

To Be Continued…
Pastor Drew Elgersma Acts 28:16-31. While under house arrest for two years in Rome, Paul implements gospel hospitality to spread the gospel. Paul’s example and Luke’s “To Be Continued” ending of Acts, invite us to do the same as the Holy Spirit writes Acts 29 through the church today.