Hi Folks,

Just a quick update and a few reminders…

– We are gradually trickling up in our attendance. I was hoping for at least 35% of our regular attendance (using 265, which is about what we average) when we started back on May 10. That was based on what I was hearing from other local pastors. We had about 45% that day, about 50% on May 17, and about 65% this past Sunday (and some were gone for the Memorial Day weekend). Let’s pray that we all stay well so that number can keep trickling up! I have heard from many that have not yet returned that they are really missing their church family and really look forward to getting back.

– Let me remind you that this Sunday will be the last Sunday without Nursery and KidStuff. One small change – the Nursery workers may be using hand sanitizer instead of gloves. Some feel that is better. (It reminds me of the Waffle House cook that pealed bacon off to cook, and then picked up a waffle, but they had the same gloves on the whole time.) You get the point. Anyway, it will be clean and your kids will be as safe as possible.

– Please remember the quarterly business meeting after church this Sunday, the baby shower for Arin French after church on June 7, and the wedding shower for Caleb and Makayla the Sunday after that.

– Please be in prayer for Linda Morgan as she has a heart cath and Wayne Frank as he has a hip replacement. These are both this coming Monday. Also, Willard Price and I are having similar back issues. We are looking to compete in a 3-legged race. 😁

Hope to see you Sunday, Lord willing. Have a great weekend!

In Him,
Pastor Bill

Bill Gowder
Lead Pastor
First Baptist Church Friendsville